Saturday, 30 October 2010

The Results Are In.

29 people filled out my survey. Not a bad result for 499 Facebook friends and 100 followers on Twitter - almost a 5% response rate which is probably an excellent return on a small social media response campaign.

The results are not surprising, and has enabled me to understand how best to organise the content of what will be the most commonly occuring template in the site.

I have developed a sketch, or wireframe using PowerPoint. Well, old habits die hard. This gives me a framework for collating content.

This brings an interesting planning question to the web design process - what comes first the content or design?

One school of thought says Get the content written first. Be happy with the tone and language. (then) Decide on the style. Another argues that designing first is not user focused.

A view I agree with is that both need to be considered concurrently. Without good content, design is a vacuous bauble that catches your eye momentarily but quickly bores you. And without good design, content is that boring professor who knows more than you’ll ever need, but lectures away in monotone and rambles from topic to topic with no rhyme or reason.

An excellent article from discusses how websites designed for the desktop allow more elements to be added to the page, it suggest that elements are added for the sake of using space - when actually, efficient design - such as that required for mobile ready sites (ie smaller screen size) are much better at providing the key information sought by the user up front and central.


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