Saturday, 13 November 2010

DIV tags

So, going back a few steps I promised to cover what we learned last week - which was div tags and positioning.

The long and short of it is, a < div > tag will separate content and allow you to arrange things in a certain way. You can create an absolute div which will mean the content inside the tag will stay where you have positioned it no matter what (so if you change the size of the browser the content will not move with it).

I have decided for usability purposes, to NOT use absolute divs, however, thanks to Lynda, I work out that to first help me put stuff where I want, I can draw an AP div and then change the positioning after. Very useful. Here is a screen shot of what I have been experimenting with this morning:

I have 3 div tags identified - a header, an image, and the content. What I would ultimately like is for the image to be centred and rotating through a couple of my pictures from that place. Previous 2 blog posts ramble on about how I cant quite get that happening - for now, I cant even get the darn image to centre in the div!! As I said earlier - parking it for now and I need to think a little about what we learned yesterday - navigation.

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